01375831-a 'widely known and esteemed';
Czech slavný , vyhlášený , proslulý , pověstný
Chinese (simplified) 知名 , 大牌 , 大名鼎鼎 , , 名胜 , 蜚声 , 名扬海外 , 闻名于世 , 有 名望 , 闻名 遐迩 , 名声 远扬 , 有名+的 , 出名+的 , 有名 , 著名+的 , 出名 , 著名 , 驰名 , 闻名遐迩 , 显著 , 名声远扬 , 有名望
English famous 21 ( ) , noted 3 , famed 3 , illustrious 1 ( ) , far-famed 1 , notable 1 ( ) , celebrated , renowned
Indonesian kenamaan , masyhur , termasyur , termasyhur , kondang , terkemuka , ternama , terkenal
Italian chiaro , famoso , celebre , rinomato , celebrato , famosa
Japanese 知名 , 隠れ無い , 名高い , 有名 , 隠れない , 著名 , 高名
Malaysian kenamaan , masyhur , termasyur , termasyhur , terkemuka , ternama , terkenal
有名な俳優; 有名な音楽家; 名高い科学者; 秀抜な裁判官; 著名な歴史家
molto noto, che ha grande fama
un celebre musicista; uno studioso di chiara fama; un chiaro ingegno
widely known and esteemed
a famous actor; a celebrated musician; a famed scientist; an illustrious judge; a notable historian
Hyponym: world-famous
See also: be renowned
Similar to: known become famous household far_famed famed
Equals 70100471-a
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>