01112573-a 'unwilling to spend';
Czech skoupý , lakomý
Chinese (simplified) 胸襟 狭窄 , 很少 , 自私 , 自私+的 , 小气 , 吝啬 , 很少+的 , 吝啬+的 , 小气+的 , , 胸襟狭窄
English stingy ( ) , ungenerous
Indonesian kedekut , lokek , tangan selalu tergenggam , medit , tangan tertutup , tembok kering , pelit , cekel , tangkai kering , bakhil , kikir , singkat tangan
Italian tirchio , spilorcio , tirato , taccagno , avaro , pitocco , sparagnino , micragnoso , gretto , pidocchioso , migragnoso , tignoso , GAP! , poco generoso
Japanese 狭量
Malaysian kedekut , lokek , tangan tertutup , tangkai kering , bakhil , kikir , singkat tangan
費やすのに気が進まないさま (takkur)
彼女は、せこくない倹約する; 資金を求める訴えへの度量の狭い反応
unwilling to spend
she practices economy without being stingy; an ungenerous response to the appeal for funds
See also: ungenerous uncharitable selfish
Attributes: generosity
Similar to: closefisted cheap mean parsimonious cheeseparing grudging beggarly
Antonym: generous
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>