00933420-n 'the creation of beautiful or significant things';
Czech umělecká tvorba , umění
Chinese (simplified) 艺术 , 艺术创作 , 艺术 创作 , 美术
Inggeris art 15 ( ) , artistic creation , artistic production
Bahasa Indonesia seni , kesenian
Italian arte
Japanese アート , 工芸 , 作物 , 芸術
Bahasa Malaysia seni , kesenian
芸術は優秀であるためには革新的である必要はない; 私は決して芸術が得意ではない; 建築とは空間を美しく浪費する技であると彼は言った
the creation of beautiful or significant things
art does not need to be innovative to be good; I was never any good at art; he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully
Hyponym: painting topiary sculpture glyptography decoupage printmaking arts_and_crafts gastronomy decalcomania perfumery drawing origami ceramics
Hypernym: creation
In Domain–Category: popular cathartic moderne nonrepresentational formalistic finger-paint fresco distemper illuminate miniate emblazon sculpt paint paint repaint charge represent picture illustrate stylize portray portray draw charcoal cartoon shade stipple watercolour miniate model sketch lithograph silkscreen stencil engrave stipple etch aquatint model deaccession americana art ground talaria vocabulary aesthetics film expressive_style ensemble exhibition appraiser theorist tension stagnation longueur
Semantic Field: actn
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