00787465-n 'the part played by a person in bringing about a result';
Czech vklad , podíl , spoluúčast
Chinese (simplified) 份额 , 局部 , 要素 , 部分 , 职务 , 分担
English contribution 12 ( ) , share 3 , part 2
Indonesian turut merasakan sesuatu , sumbangan , derma , bhg , sumbangsih , bahagiannya , turut merasakan sst , yuran , bersama-sama , saham , bantuan , saham modal , sijil saham , pungutan sumbangan wang
Italian collaborazione , parte , concorso , contributo , contribuzione , aiuto
Japanese 分担 , 貢献 , 役割り , 寄与 , 役割 , 分かち合う仕事
Malaysian sumbangan , derma , bhg , pungutan sumbangan wang , sumbangsih , bahagiannya , turut merasakan sesuatu , turut merasakan sst , yuran , bersama-sama , saham , bantuan , saham modal , sijil saham
私はチームの成功に貢献できて誇りに思う; 彼らは、皆仕事を分け合った
the part played by a person in bringing about a result
I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project; they all did their share of the work
l'apporto che si pone in una impresa collettiva
fare bene la propria parte
Hyponym: end
Hypernym: attempt
Semantic Field: actn
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More detail about the NTUMC+ Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
This project is now integrated in the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>