00744916-a 'not easy';
Czech nesnadný , obtížný
Chinese (simplified) 困难 , 艰难+的 , 艰苦 , , 艰难 , 难以 , 困难+的 , 艰苦+的 , 疑难 , 疑难+的 , 难懂+的 , 难懂 , 难相处 , 难相处+的
English difficult 63 ( ) , hard 37 ( )
Indonesian sarit , sukar , susah , runyam , payah , kerih , rumit , ruwet , muskil , kompleks , rumpil , tidak senang , tidak mudah , sulit , senting , berat , tersulit
Italian impegnativo , difficile , arduo , difficoltoso , duro
Japanese ムズい , 難い , 難し , 難しい , 困難 , むずい
Malaysian sarit , sukar , susah , runyam , payah , kerih , rumit , ruwet , kompleks , tidak senang , tidak mudah , sulit , senting , berat , tersulit
難しい仕事; 崖の営巣地は近づくのが難しい; 困難な時; なぜ秘密を守るのがそんなに難しいのか?
not easy
requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure
a difficult task; nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access; difficult times; why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?
See also: effortful hard demanding
Attributes: difficulty
Similar to: trying troublesome nasty fractious hard-fought baffling herculean tall delicate serious thorny rocky vexed ambitious awkward catchy arduous rugged
Antonym: easy
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>