00720565-n 'the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group';
Czech role , funkce , úkol , úřad
Chinese (simplified) 角色 , 功能 , 任务 , 职责 , 职务
English role 34 , part 13 , function 7 ( ) , office 6 ( )
Indonesian tugas , orang penting , pembesar negeri , fungsi , sbg orang besar , peranan
Italian ruolo , mansione , funzione , carica , qualifica , ufficio , uffizio , ufizio , offizio , officio
Japanese 勤め , 任務 , 責務 , , 役回り , お役 , 役回 , 務め , 役割り , 御役 , , 役儀 , 役割 , 役廻 , 役目 , 職務
Malaysian tugas , orang penting , pembesar negeri , fungsi , penglibatan , sbg orang besar , peranan
the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group
the function of a teacher; the government must do its part; play its role
教師の役目; 政府はその役割を果たさなければならない; 役割を演じる
Hyponym: second_fiddle hat capacity portfolio stead
Hypernym: duty
Semantic Field: actn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>