00550771-n 'the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment';
Czech představení , vystoupení , herecký výkon
Chinese (simplified) 演奏 , 公演 , 演出
English performance 19
Indonesian pementasan , pertunjukan , persembahan
Italian performance , rappresentazione , esecuzione
Japanese パフォーマンス , 演奏 , 芝居 , プレイ , プレー , 演芸 , パーフォーマンス , 演戯 , 演技
Malaysian pementasan , pertunjukan , persembahan lakonan , persembahan
interpretazione e realizzazione di un testo musicale o di un altro spettacolo
una perfetta esecuzione della sinfonia di Beethoven; splendida esecuzione del balletto
私達はリハーサルで彼の演技を褒め称えた; モーツァルトのハ短調協奏曲の見事な演奏
the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment
we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal; an inspired performance of Mozart's C minor concerto
Hyponym: program juggle dramatic_production one-night_stand rendition encore swan_song musical_performance extemporization magic_trick
See also: energetic_song_intense_dancing
Hypernym: presentation
Meronym–Part: acting
Semantic Field: actn
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