00452512-v 'make full, also in a metaphorical sense'; V2; 
Czech vyplnit , naplnit , zaplnit
Chinese (simplified) 填补 , 装满 , , , 注满
English fill 61 ( ) , fill up 2 , make full
Indonesian membelenting , isikan , sarat , mengasak , padukan , isi , menyebu , menggembung , menyarati , membunting , memenuhi , memenuhkan , mengisi
Italian riempire , empire , ricolmare , colmare , imbottire
Japanese 充たす , 満たす , 満す , 湛える , 充す
Malaysian isikan , sarat , mengasak , padukan , isi , menyebu , menyarati , mengisi , memenuhi , memenuhkan
容器を満たす; 誇りで子供をいっぱいにする
make full, also in a metaphorical sense
fill a container; fill the child with pride
Hyponym: load heap prime top_off clog ink impregnate electrify pack farce load overfill lubricate brim populate complete clutter surcharge stuff replenish line pad deluge impregnate
Hypernym: change
Causes fill
Antonym: empty
Semantic Field: changev
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s something;   Something ----s something;   Somebody ----s something with something;  
External Links


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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>