00339934-v 'come to pass'; V1, VX; 
Czech stát se , přihodit se , dojít , udát se , zběhnout se , odehrát se
Chinese (simplified) 碰巧 , , 发生
English happen 149 ( ) , occur 81 , take place 54 , go on 24 , pass 7 , come about 4 , pass off , hap ( ) , fall out
Indonesian mengamuk , terjadi , timbul , tersungkap , berlalu , muncul , tanggal , menyalip , jadi , berlaku , terdapat , mengoper , mengangsurkan , berlangsung , mengoperkan , melampaui , peluruh , menimbul , terlintas , diadakan
Italian svolgersi , effettuarsi , verificarsi , succedere , accadere , occorrere , avvenire , operarsi , avere luogo
Japanese 発する , 起きる , 生起+する , 発生+する , ある , 生ずる , 起こる , 起る , 行なわれる , 在る , 発生 , 生起 , 有る , 行われる , 発す , 生じる
Malaysian terjadi , timbul , berlaku , berlalu , muncul , tanggal , berlangsung , jadi , terdapat , mengamuk , menimbul , terlintas , diadakan
Chinese (simplified)
没什么重要的事情发生; 到底发生什么事?
何が起こっているか; 会議は、発生率なしで行われた; 重要に見えたものは何も生じなかった
come to pass
What is happening?; The meeting took place without an incidence; Nothing occurred that seemed important
Hyponym: transpire fall supervene turn_out give proceed develop operate come happen go_off concur synchronize anticipate come_around chance befall happen backfire break fall break intervene result arise recur shimau_happen_neg_aux shimau_lookforward_aux
Similar to: come upon
Semantic Field: changev
Verb Frames
Something ----s;   Something is ----ing PP;   It ----s that CLAUSE;  
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>