00147815-v 'pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind'; V1, V2; 
Czech zmocnit se , zachvátit
Chinese (simplified) 落入 , 堕入 , 变成 , 变为 , 成为 , 处于
Inggeris fall 16
Bahasa Indonesia runtuh , roboh , jatuh , meranggas , gugur , menggelulur , berjatuhan
Italian cadere , diventare , divenire
Japanese 落ち入る , 落ちる , 陥る
Bahasa Malaysia runtuh , roboh , jatuh , gugur
わなにはまる; 彼女は病気になった; 彼らは愛想をつかされた; 恋に落ちる; 眠りに落ちる
pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind
fall into a trap; She fell ill; They fell out of favor; fall in love; fall asleep
Hyponym: fall_in_love drop
See also: fall_through fall_for break crumble fall_back lag slip
Hypernym: change_state
Semantic Field: changev
Verb Frames
Something is ----ing PP;   Something ----s Adjective/Noun;   Somebody ----s Adjective;   Somebody ----s something;   Something ----s something;   Somebody ----s PP;  
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