00117985-v 'stay the same'; V1, V2; 
Czech udržet se , zůstat
Chinese (simplified) 保持 不变 , 维持 , , 停留 , 逗留 , 留待 , 保持不变
English remain 128 , stay 43 ( ) , rest 2
Indonesian beristirahat , rehat , menyisakan , tinggal diam di sst kedudukan , bersisa , berehat-rehat , tersimpan , timpang , tinggal , berihat , terus , berlebih , tetap , masih tertahan
Italian stare , permanere , restare , rimanere , continuare
Japanese そのままで居る
Malaysian beristirahat , rehat , tinggal diam di sst kedudukan , bersisa , tersimpan , tinggal , terus , berlebih , tetap , masih tertahan , berpanjangan
何度も乾かそうとしたが、その服はまだ濡れていた; 安心する; 一人でいる; 彼女の涙に彼は動じないままだった; 悪天候はさらに1週間続いた
stay the same
remain in a certain state
The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it; rest assured; stay alone; He remained unmoved by her tears; The bad weather continued for another week
Hyponym: keep sit_tight stick_together be keep_out stand
Hypernym: be
Antonym: change
Semantic Field: changev
Verb Frames
Something is ----ing PP;   Something ----s Adjective/Noun;   Somebody ----s Adjective;  
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>