00095280-a 'no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life';
Czech mrtvý
Chinese (simplified) 死亡 , 死亡+的 , , 不活跃
Inggeris dead 72 ( )
Bahasa Indonesia wafat , mati , mangkat , telah layu
Italian morto , scomparso , defunto , trapassato
Japanese 死んだ , 亡い
Bahasa Malaysia sudah layu , wafat , mampus , telah layu , mati , sudah telah mati , mangkat
no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life
the nerve is dead; a dead pallor; he was marked as a dead man by the assassin
神経は死んでいる; 死んだような蒼白さ; 彼は暗殺者に死亡したとみなされた
Attributes: animation animation
Similar to: asleep defunct lifeless bloodless cold doomed breathless murdered executed d.o.a. nonviable late stone-dead deathlike fallen brain_dead slain assassinated stillborn dame_dead ikiganai_idiom
Antonym: alive
Semantic Field: alla
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