00061203-r 'happening at a time subsequent to a reference time';
Chinese (simplified) , , 之后 , , 继而 , 既而 , 後 来 , 後 面 , 以 後 , 随後 , 之後 , 後来 , 以後 , 后面 , 以后 , 然后 , 後面 , 随后 , 后来 ,
English later 107 ( ) , afterward 13 , later on 9 , afterwards 6 , after 5 , subsequently 4 ( ) , post
Indonesian kalakian , kemudian , nantinya , beka , kemudiannya , nanti , selepas , sehabis , jemah , selepas itu , berikutan , belakangan , terbelahak , seusai , setelah , sesudah , belakang , kelak , habis , sesudahnya , bakdu , bakda , sesudah itu , entar
Italian posteriormente , indi , poi , in un secondo tempo , in secondo tempo , successivamente , in seguito , dopo
Japanese 後程 , おって , 逐って , 追って , 後ほど , 後で , のちほど
Malaysian selepasnya , kemudian , nantinya , kemudiannya , nanti , selepas , selepas itu , berikutan , sesudahnya , belakangan , seusai , setelah , sesudah , belakang , kelak , habis , sesudah itu
彼は、その後謝罪した; 彼は店に行句予定だが、後でここに戻る; 後になるまで、それは起こらなかった; その2時間後
happening at a time subsequent to a reference time
he apologized subsequently; he's going to the store but he'll be back here later; it didn't happen until afterward; two hours after that
Hyponym: after_meal
Semantic Field: allr
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This project is now integrated in the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>