00033615-n 'how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify';
Czech kvantum , množství , kvantita
Chinese (simplified) 数目 , 用量 , , 计量 , 数量 , 定量 , , 尺寸 , 大小 , 测量
English amount 20 ( ) , quantity 15 , measure 5 ( )
Indonesian ukuran , mengukur , banyak , kuantiti , batu uji , dimensi , pengukur , isi padu , piawai , jumlah , saiz
Italian misurazione , misura , quantità , quantitativo
Japanese クォンティティ , クオンティティー , 数量 , 量目 , , クォンティティー , 計測した大きさ , クオンティティ , 寸法
Malaysian ukuran , mengukur , kuantiti , sekumit , batu uji , amaun , dimensi , pengukur , banyak , isi padu , piawai , jumlah , saiz
how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
Hyponym: volume magnetization relative_quantity cordage volume time_interval proof indefinite_quantity value time_unit radical fundamental_quantity playing_period octane_number system_of_measurement definite_quantity point quantum probability purchase amount warimashi_amount
Hypernym: abstraction
Attributes: standard nonstandard
Semantic Field: Topsn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>