00031264-n 'any number of entities (members) considered as a unit';
Czech skupina
Chinese (simplified) 团队 , 组合 , 部族 , , 群体 , , , 集团 , , 小组 , 团体
Inggeris group 1345 ( ) , grouping 5
Bahasa Indonesia kumpulan , rombongan , kelompok , golongan , blok
Italian gruppo , novero
Japanese 集り , 集まり , グループ
Bahasa Malaysia kumpulan , rombongan , kelompok , golongan , blok
any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
insieme di più cose o persone riunite assieme in un unico complesso
Hyponym: subgroup arrangement rare_earth circuit race ethnic_group swarm social_group biological_group varna series halogen straggle multitude association community collection actinoid edition world citizenry population kingdom system electron_shell people sainthood
See also: cast
Hypernym: abstraction
Instance: great_lakes flash mob Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction 80000588-n 80000591-n Singapore University of Technology and Design Centrepoint 80000766-n 80000983-n 80000986-n 80001040-n 80001042-n Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Forever 21
Type: 80000027-n 80000028-n China Airlines Tiger Airways 80000031-n 80000033-n Singapore Shanghai Symphony Singtel Samsonite 80000043-n 80000054-n Regent Hotel 80000056-n 80000057-n Mandarin Hotel Oriental Hotel Hyatt Regency Hotel 80000065-n Continental Micronesia 80000069-n Eric Drexler 80000073-n Goldhill Hakka Restaurant Sony Chinatown 80000094-n Carrefour Lower Pierce Trail Bebe 80000115-n Books Kinokuniya 80000122-n Straits Kitchen 80000127-n ICA National Parks Carl ’ s Junior Jimmy Choo Shaw Theatres Shaw Centre Chin Mee Chin 80000152-n Apple Kuyama Sri-warisan Dance troupe River Island Fred Brooks 80000180-n Social Democratic Party Van Nostrand-Reinhold Publishing Ministry of Transport National Land Agency 80000195-n Sao Paulo Association of Natural Studies Formula One Raffles Institution Alan MacCormack 80000220-n 80000239-n National Arts Council 80000268-n Sabar Menanti Zouk Rumah Bebe Orgo 80000364-n sendmail 80000376-n Singapore Dance Ensemble 80000386-n Zara 80000449-n 80000470-n
Semantic Field: Topsn
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