00015388-n 'a living organism characterized by voluntary movement';
Czech zvíře , tvor , živočich , fauna
Chinese (simplified) 野兽 , 动物群 , 畜生 , 凶残的人 , 动物 , 生物 , 凶残 的 人 ,
English animal 67 ( ) , creature 16 ( ) , beast 4 ( ) , animate being , brute , fauna
Indonesian hewan , binatang , sato , manusia , animal , makhluk , satwa , binatang buas , margasatwa , fauna
Italian bestia , creatura , animale , bestiola , bruto
Japanese アニマル , 動物
Malaysian hewan , binatang , sato , manusia , makhluk , satwa , binatang buas , fauna , haiwan
un essere vivente capace capace di movimento volontario
a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
Hyponym: herbivore work_animal omnivore pleurodont scavenger poikilotherm female critter molter pet domestic_animal survivor invertebrate hexapod pest mate marine_animal range_animal predator male adult metazoan racer mutant homeotherm acrodont darter varmint insectivore feeder biped thoroughbred prey peeper fictional_animal stayer larva captive game young creepy-crawly chordate zooplankton stunt migrator giant embryo mythological beast zodiac sign
Hypernym: organism
Meronym–Substance: animal_tissue
Meronym–Part: face head
Holonym–Member: animalia
In Domain–Category: crested bone-covered free-swimming hispid flesh-eating plant-eating all-devouring insectivorous epizootic adult half-blooded registered unregistered gregarious social bone domesticate domesticate drench crop sacrifice trailing microorganism actinomycete trap humaneness body side nose diet vector sitter stander wart schistosome_dermatitis
Semantic Field: Topsn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>