00004475-n 'a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently';
Czech organismus , bytost , forma života , tvor
Chinese (simplified) 有机体 , 生物 , 有 机体 , 生命 , 存在 ,
English organism 9 ( ) , being 6 ( )
Indonesian makhluk , organisma , organisme
Italian essere vivente , creatura , organismo , organismo vivente , essere
Japanese 有機体 , 生活体 , 生体 , 生物 , 生き物
Malaysian insan , orang , manusia , makhluk , benda hidup , badan yg menjalankan tugas , organisma , organisme
una entità vivente
a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently
Hyponym: denizen mascot polymorph anaerobe individual conspecific plant clone commensal host atavist nekton amphidiploid saprobe native diploid microorganism katharobe prokaryote sitter hybrid utterer postdiluvian polyploid zooid dwarf carrier animal parent saprophyte animalcule relative stander haploid aerobe nonvascular_organism benthos plankton relict mutant recombinant heteroploid eukaryote person heterotroph myrmecophile fungus parasite
Hypernym: living_thing
Meronym–Substance: tissue
Meronym–Part: cell body_part
In Domain–Category: bioluminescent cellular actinal zygote parthenote organic_chemistry stratum metabolism morphogenesis
Semantic Field: Topsn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>