Results for « yakin » (zsm)
00144722-r (96)
sudah pasti, pasti, nescaya, tentu sekali, benar-benar, tentu, ya, sudah tentu, yakin, memang, tetap
certainly, sure, surely, sure enough, for sure, sure as shooting, for certain
     definitely or positively
00338817-a (7)
penuh keyakinan, keyakinan diri, penuh yakin, yakin
     having or marked by confidence or assurance
05697363-n (29)
pihak berkuasa, kepastian, kepercayaan, keyakinan diri, perjanjian, keyakinan, yakin
confidence, assurance, self-confidence, authority, sureness, self-assurance
     freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities
02465978-a (1)
trusted, sure
     (of persons) worthy of trust or confidence
02093305-a (3)
aman, yakin
secure, unafraid, untroubled
     free from fear or doubt; easy in mind
00688377-v (17)
penuh kepercayaan, percaya, mempercayai, bergantung, amanah, menyumpah, beramanah, percaya pd, yakin, mempercayakan
trust, rely, swear, bank
     have confidence or faith in
00336831-a (67)
positif, pasti, pastilah, sabit, keruan, yakin
sure, certain
     having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured
00721098-v (41)
percayai, meyakini, kepercayaan, percaya, mempercayai, menganggap, beranggapan, keyakinan, yakin
believe, trust, rest
     be confident about something


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