V1 |
timbul, berjangkit, meletus, meledak, cetus, mengamuk, menjangkit |
erupt, break out |
| |
start abruptly |
kemunculan, terbit, timbul, timbulnya, penjelmaan, kelihatan, terbitnya |
appearance |
| |
the event of coming into sight |
V1 |
timbul, berekor, muncul, bangkit |
arise, come up, bob up |
| |
originate or come into being |
V1, VX |
terjadi, timbul, berlaku, berlalu, muncul, tanggal, berlangsung, jadi, terdapat, mengamuk, menimbul, terlintas, diadakan |
happen, occur, take place, go on, pass, come about, pass off, hap, fall out |
| |
come to pass |
V1 |
timbul, sembul, muncul, menjelma, menampilkan diri, timbul dgn tiba-tiba |
appear |
| |
come into sight or view |
V1 |
bangkit memberontak, meningkat, menentang, terbit, timbul, naik, meninggi, bangkit, memberontak, melawan, bangun, bangun memberontak |
rebel, rise, arise, rise up |
| |
take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance |
timbul |
brocaded, raised, embossed |
| |
embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery |
V1 |
meningkat, timbul, naik, berekor, meninggi, bangkit, ke atas, terangkat, mengumpil, menaik |
rise, go up, move up, lift, come up, arise, uprise |
| |
move upward |
V1 |
terbit, timbul, meninggi, muncul, bangkit, berasal, keluar, hidup, tumbuh, bangun, bermula, asalnya |
arise, develop, originate, spring up, grow, rise, uprise |
| |
come into existence; take on form or shape |
V2 |
membawa hasil, menghasilkan sst, menghadapkan, meninggikan, timbul, memeliharakan, meminta, memberi hasil, mengimbau, mengetengahkan, menyeru, melontarkan, berbangkit, mewujudkan, bangkitkan, mengasuh, menimbulkan, mendidik, mencadangkan, membuat sst, menghasilkan, memohon, membesarkan, menghasilkan sesuatu, mendatangkan keuntungan, membuat sesuatu, membangkitkan, menggugah, memelihara |
raise, invoke, conjure up, bring up, arouse, stir, conjure, call down, put forward, evoke, call forth |
| |
summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic |
V1 |
terbit, timbul, naik, berekor, meninggi, menaiki, menanjak, muncul, bangkit, menaik |
rise, uprise, come up, ascend |
| |
[in astronomy] come up, of celestial bodies |
V1 |
nampak, terbit, timbul, muncul, keluar, kelihatan |
emerge |
| |
come up to the surface of or rise |
V1 |
meningkat, terbit, timbul, naik, berekor, meninggi, bangkit, terapung |
rise, rise up, come up, surface |
| |
come to the surface |
V1 |
terjadi, timbul, berlaku, berekor, muncul, bangkit |
come up, arise |
| |
result or issue |
V2 |
timbul, mengapung, apung, mengambang-ambang, mengapungkan |
float |
| |
set afloat |
V1 |
terbit, timbul, muncul, keluar |
come out, come on, turn up, show up, surface |
| |
appear or become visible; make a showing |
VX |
nampak, terbit, timbul, muncul, keluar, kelihatan, menjelma |
emerge |
| |
become known or apparent |
V2 |
timbul, nyalakan, memeliharakan, memarakkan, memprovokasi, membuat berkobar-kobar, memancing, menghidupkan, menyalakan, berbangkit, bangkitkan, mengejutkan, menimbulkan, memberangsangkan, menyebabkan, menghasut, memberhentikan, mendapat, mengobarkan, mencetuskan, mengejuti, membangkitkan, menggugah |
arouse, evoke, elicit, provoke, raise, fire, enkindle, kindle |
| |
call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) |