Results for « tetap » (zsm)
01754421-a (15)
berterusan, tahan lasak, sentiasa, permanen, tetap, berpanjangan
permanent, lasting
     continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place
00595299-a (2)
bersambung-sambung, tidak berkesudahan, tidak putus-putus, selalu berulang, berterusan, sentiasa, tidak berhenti-henti, kekal selamanya, malar, tetap
ceaseless, constant, incessant, never-ending, perpetual, unceasing, unremitting
     uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
     [in military] (used of the military) belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces
00144722-r (96)
sudah pasti, pasti, nescaya, tentu sekali, benar-benar, tentu, ya, sudah tentu, yakin, memang, tetap
certainly, sure, surely, sure enough, for sure, sure as shooting, for certain
     definitely or positively
02291336-a (2)
mantap, kukuh, stabil, teguh, tetap
firm, steady, unfluctuating
     not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall
02302187-a (1)
teratur, tetap
regular, even
     occurring at fixed intervals
pasti, tentu, tertentu, tetap
     known for certain
00340239-a (8)
pasti, tentu, tetap
certain, sure
     certain to occur; destined or inevitable
01959294-a (17)
berkala, tetap
     in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle
00583239-a (2)
setia, tidak berubah, malar, tetap
     steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection
pegun, tetap
     not capable of being moved
00353206-a (1)
unchanged, unaltered
     remaining in an original state
02301560-a (11)
berfikiran tetap, mantap, kukuh, stabil, bertanggungjawab, malar, tetap
     not subject to change or variation especially in behavior
00909545-a (2)
sama rata, pepat, sedatar, rata, sekata adj, rata dan licin, tara, sampai-sampai, lelas, datar, tetap
     being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with)
02727462-v (60)
teruskan, melestarikan, tinggal diam di sst kedudukan, melanjutkan, bersisa, menunggu, tersimpan, tinggal, bertahan, berlebih, asas, tetap, masih tertahan, berpanjangan
remain, stay, stay on, continue
     continue in a place, position, or situation
tepat pd masanya, teratur, tepat pada masa, tepat pd waktunya, tetap
     acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed
00031304-r (233)
masih, tetap
     with reference to action or condition; without change, interruption, or cessation
muktamad, definitif, tentu, tetap
definitive, determinate
     supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement
00700451-a (13)
muktamad, nyata, pasti, tentu, jelas, tertentu, tetap
     precise; explicit and clearly defined
00017639-r (38)
sehingga ini, kini, sekarang ini, dulu, belum lagi, masih, hingga kini, tetap, namun
still, even, yet
     to a greater degree or extent
01966488-a (4)
tidak berubah, sama, seragam, serupa, tetap
uniform, unvarying
     always the same; showing a single form or character in all occurrences
01990653-a (15)
tegas, tegap, kukuh, teguh, tetap
firm, unshakable, unfaltering, unwavering, steadfast, stiff, steady, unbendable
     marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
00355258-a (2)
     not made or become different
00117985-v (173)
V1, V2
beristirahat, rehat, tinggal diam di sst kedudukan, bersisa, tersimpan, tinggal, terus, berlebih, tetap, masih tertahan, berpanjangan
remain, stay, rest
     stay the same; remain in a certain state
02637592-v (34)
tinggal diam di sst kedudukan, bersisa, duduk, tersimpan, tinggal, berbaki, berlebih, diam, tetap, masih tertahan
     be left; of persons, questions, problems, results, evidence, etc.
     officially full-time
02130272-a (4)
muktamad, tegas, kukuh, teguh, tetap
     not subject to revision or change
02505716-a (1)
tidak berubah bentuknya, tetap
     not liable to or capable of change
tahan, awet, tahan lasak, tahan lama, tetap
persistent, lasting
     [in biology] retained; not shed
00020280-r (3)
sampai hari kiamat, berterusan, sentiasa, seringkali, selama-lamanya, tetap
forever, constantly, always, perpetually, incessantly, for ever
00087916-r (5)
sentiasa, selama-lamanya, tetap
permanently, for good, abidingly
     for a long time without essential change
02366927-a (2)
malar, tetap
     regularly scheduled for fixed times
00467269-r (3)
diam-diam, tetap
still, stock-still
     without moving or making a sound
00576680-a (7)
selaras, sejajar, konsisten, tetap, selaras dgn
     in agreement or consistent or reliable
00744506-a (1)
sama, nalar, uniform, seragam, pakaian seragam, serupa, malar, tetap
undifferentiated, uniform
     not differentiated
00027384-r (270)
cara, bagaimana, bagaimanapun, masih, walaupun, sementara, macam mana, tetap, walaupun demikian, namun, kiranya, bagaimanakah
however, still, nevertheless, even so, nonetheless, withal, all the same, notwithstanding, yet, but, for all, in spite of, what though, none the less, in the face of
     despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)


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