Results for « terus » (ind)
00032299-r (6)
betul-betul, terus
mighty, right, mightily, powerful
     very; to a great degree
summary, drumhead
     performed speedily and without formality
00068368-r (65)
beserta, seterusnya, bersama-sama, berlangsung, terus, ikut, sepanjang
on, along
     with a forward motion
00117985-v (173)
V1, V2
beristirahat, rehat, menyisakan, tinggal diam di sst kedudukan, bersisa, berehat-rehat, tersimpan, timpang, tinggal, berihat, terus, berlebih, tetap, masih tertahan
remain, stay, rest
     stay the same; remain in a certain state
lulus, siap, terus, sampai habis
through, through and through
     throughout the entire extent
00194578-r (6)
betul-betul, terus, tepat, kaku
rigidly, stiffly, bolt
     in a rigid manner
00760916-a (23)
terus, tepat, tujul, lurus
     direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short
02310895-a (6)
terus, lurus
     having no deviations
00504281-r (14)
lantas, terus
     without anyone or anything intervening
02410175-v (7)
teruskan, melestarikan, memegang, memeliharakan, jaga, melanjutkan, bertahan lama, menjaga, simpankan, simpan, berterusan, terus, menyambung, meneruskan, menyimpan, mengikat, menahan, mempertahankan, melantankan, mengekalkan, memelihara
keep, continue, retain, keep on
     allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature
00203237-a (8)
ke hadapan, hadapan, haluan, terus, ke depan, depan
     at or near or directed toward the front
00048739-r (110)
serta-merta, lantas, sekarang, dengan serta-merta, seketika, berabad-abad, sebaik sahaja, terus, segera, serentak, langsung, sekejap mata
immediately, at once, instantly, right away, now, directly, straightaway, forthwith, straight off, like a shot
     without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening
01212572-v (29)
merenggut, cekam, merebut, mencapai, meruntunkan, meraih, menyita, rampas, menyambar, cengkau, mencekau, meruntun, mencengkam, merejeng, merampasi, menyewat, cakup, mencekam, membekam, mengambil, terus, cerkau, menangkap, merenggutkan, menerkap, genggam, menggayuk, merampas, membeslah
clutch, seize, prehend
     take hold of; grab
00191656-r (6)
terus, bertalu-talu
     at every point
00066781-r (51)
maju, ke hadapan, mara, sebelumnya, terus, ke depan, sebelum
in front, ahead, before
     at or in the front
01067003-a (1)
selalu, terus
regular, steady
     relating to a person who does something regularly
01579853-a (2)
     immediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect
00354527-r (4)
headlong, headfirst
     with the head before the body
00051848-r (40)
tegak, lantas, betul-betul, terus, tepat, langsung, lurus
directly, straight, direct
     without deviation
     without delay; in a summary manner
headfirst, headlong
     with the head foremost
02506029-a (15)
constant, unvarying, changeless, invariant
     unvarying in nature
00770480-a (16)
kualitas, terus, langsung
direct, unmediated
     having no intervening persons, agents, conditions
00282858-r (6)
terus menerus, berjujai, terus, bertalu-talu, dengan tidak berhenti-henti
continuously, endlessly, unceasingly, incessantly, ceaselessly, unendingly
     with unflagging resolve
00058128-r (12)
lantas, mendatar, betul-betul, terus, langsung
straight, directly, flat
     in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly


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