Results for « terus menerus » (ind)
terus-menerus, tepat, langsung, lurus
     being an immediate result or consequence
05054130-n (5)
terus-menerus, kebulatan, ketetapan, tak habis-habis, penerusan, kesinambungan
persistence, continuity
     the property of a continuous and connected period of time
00594413-a (16)
kontinu, terus-menerus, bersambung-sambung, tidak putus-putus, agam, berterusan, sentiasa, berturut-turut, malar, turutan
continuous, uninterrupted
     continuing in time or space without interruption
terus-menerus, kegigihan, kebulatan, ketabahan, tabah, kesungguhan, ketetapan, tak habis-habis, ketekunan
perseverance, persistence, perseveration
     the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior
00282858-r (6)
terus menerus, berjujai, terus, bertalu-talu, dengan tidak berhenti-henti
continuously, endlessly, unceasingly, incessantly, ceaselessly, unendingly
     with unflagging resolve


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