Results for « termine » (ita)
06770875-n (6)
termine, condizione
term, condition
     a statement of what is required as part of an agreement
06303888-n (37)
     a word or expression used for some particular thing
05868477-n (13)
chiusa, termine, coda, conclusione, chiusura, fondo, fine, terminazione
     parte finale di qualcosa
08593130-n (1)
limite, segno, termine
     as far as something can go
15180082-n (2)
termine, scadenza
     the point in time at which something must be completed
08592656-n (3)
limitare, limite, confine, termine, barriera, demarcazione, linea di confine
demarcation, limit, demarcation line
     the boundary of a specific area
06286395-n (117)
termine, suono, vocabolo, parola
     a unit of language that native speakers can identify
15267536-n (13)
termine, finale, epilogo, chiusura, fine
close, last, conclusion, stopping point, finish, finale, finis
     the temporal end; the concluding time
15268682-n (5)
termine, scadenza
termination, expiration, expiry
     a coming to an end of a contract period
00209943-n (2)
termine, conclusione, chiusura, cessazione, fine
conclusion, ending, termination
     the act of ending something


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