Results for « sikap » (ind)
01220984-n (35)
gerak langkah, akhlak, kelakuan, perangai, adab, Tingkah laku, tingkah laku, ragam, pekerti, sikap
behavior, conduct, behaviour, doings
     manner of acting or controlling yourself
04910377-n (4)
kelakuan, perawakan, tingkah laku, sikap
presence, bearing, comportment, mien
     dignified manner or conduct
06193203-n (65)
attitude, mental attitude
     a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways
05079866-n (35)
kedudukan, gaya, lagak, pendirian, keadaan, perawakan, sikap, gaya tubuh
position, attitude, posture
     the arrangement of the body and its limbs
pendirian, letak pesawat, sikap
     position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion)
04910135-n (17)
gaya, kelakuan, cara, tingkah laku, ragam, sikap, laku
manner, personal manner
     a way of acting or behaving
06196284-n (1)
position, posture, stance
     a rationalized mental attitude
05082507-n (1)
cara berdiri, sikap
     standing posture
charge, bearing, heraldic bearing, armorial bearing
     heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
04620558-n (13)
semangat, sikap
     a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character
06195839-n (12)
mentaliti, pemikiran, daya pemikiran, pandangan, sikap
outlook, mentality, mindset, mind-set
     a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations
00755863-n (1)
pendirian, sikap
     a theatrical pose created for effect


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