Results for « siang » (ind)
11444038-n (2)
cahaya siang, cahaya matahari, siang hari, siang
     light during the daytime
diurnal, siang
     [in biology] of or belonging to or active during the day
15165490-n (9)
tengah hari, petang hari, siang hari, siang
noon, midday, twelve noon, high noon, noonday, noontide
     the middle of the day
15164957-n (42)
siang hari,cerah, pagi hari, tengah hari, petang hari, hari itu, hari, subuh, waktu siang, siang hari, cerah, hari ini, siang
day, daylight, daytime
     the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside


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