Results for « senyap sunyi » (ind)
01922763-a (13)
nyenyat, sunyi, enap, sepi, senyap sunyi, senyap
     characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity
04982207-n (11)
kesenyapan, kesunyian, keadaan sepi, sepi, senyap sunyi, senyap, kesepian, berdiam-diam
silence, quiet
     the absence of sound
01918984-a (10)
tenteram, damai, ayem, lengang, aman, tenang, berat mulut, sunyi, enap, sentosa, sepi, ranap, hening, senyap sunyi, senyap, berat lidah, berdiam, bungkam, anteng, berdiam diri, diam
     free of noise or uproar; or making little if any sound


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