Results for « rito » (ita)
01027859-n (8)
rituale, cerimoniale, rito
ritual, rite
     any customary observance or practice
00414179-n (7)
abitudine, costume, consuetudine, abito, norma, rito
habit, use
     [in psychology] an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a specific situation; may be inherited or acquired through frequent repetition
01029406-n (2)
rite, religious rite
     an established ceremony prescribed by a religion
07450842-n (9)
funzione, cerimonia, rito
ceremony, observance, ceremonial, ceremonial occasion
     a formal event performed on a special occasion
00413239-n (5)
abitudine, costume, moda, modo, consuetudine, uso, prammatica, rito, usanza, prassi
custom, usage, usance
     accepted or habitual practice


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