Results for « rehat » (ind)
01543731-v (8)
beristirahat, rehat, berehat-rehat, berihat, hinggap, bertenggek, bertengger
perch, rest, roost
     sit, as on a branch
04651974-n (8)
rehat, jeda
silence, muteness
     a refusal to speak when expected
00117985-v (173)
V1, V2
beristirahat, rehat, menyisakan, tinggal diam di sst kedudukan, bersisa, berehat-rehat, tersimpan, timpang, tinggal, berihat, terus, berlebih, tetap, masih tertahan
remain, stay, rest
     stay the same; remain in a certain state
rehat, bersemadi, mengistirahatkan
     be inactive, refrain from acting
00779601-v (6)
beristirahat, rehat, berehat-rehat, berihat, menyurutkan napas
     give a rest to
02731390-v (8)
beristirahat, rehat, berehat-rehat, terwalak, mendusta, berdusta, berihat, mengarut, berbohong
rest, lie
     have a place in relation to something else
14012501-n (1)
rehat, istirehat, istirahat
     a state of inaction
01545883-v (20)
beristirahat, rehat, menenangkan, berehat-rehat, menghilangkan letih, berihat, menyurutkan napas, menyegarkan
     not move; be in a resting position
02664664-v (1)
beristirahat, rehat, bersemayam, berkediaman, berehat-rehat, bercokol, mendiami, terdapat, berdiam, menghuni, membumi, berihat
rest, repose, reside
     be inherent or innate in
00426928-n (25)
rehat, riadah, hiburan, rekreasi
recreation, diversion
     an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates
00779360-v (10)
beristirahat, rehat, rahat, istirehat, menarik, menenangkan, berehat-rehat, menghirup, berehat, menarik napas, menghilangkan letih, berihat, menarik nafas
rest, catch one's breath, take a breather, breathe
     take a short break from one's activities in order to relax
01062997-n (3)
rehat, gangguan, henti, masa rehat, waktu rehat, perbuatan memutuskan, istirahat
respite, break, recess, time out
     a pause from doing something (as work)
01502946-v (1)
beristirahat, rehat, berehat-rehat, berihat
rest, pillow
     rest on or as if on a pillow
01064148-n (9)
rehat, istirehat, hiburan, legakan, pengenduran, istirahat
rest, repose, relaxation, ease
     freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)
13962765-n (1)
rehat, istirehat, eufemisme untuk kematian, istirahat-selamanya, berpulang
rest, eternal rest, sleep, eternal sleep, quietus
     euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb)


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