V2 |
berasa, mengalami, menghayati, merasai, merasakan, rasa, rasakanlah, mengawai, merasa |
feel, experience |
| |
undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind |
perasaan, rasa |
feel, tactile property |
| |
a property perceived by touch |
V2 |
rasa, terasa, merasa |
feel |
| |
be felt or perceived in a certain way |
citarasa, rasa |
flavor, smack, nip, tang, sapidity, relish, flavour, savor, savour |
| |
the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth |
V2 |
fikir, berkata, mengandaikan, memisalkan, mengira, menyangka, agak, menyabdakan, rasa, berucap, mengabarkan, mengumpamakan, mengutarakan, berujar, mengucapkan, bersabda |
suppose, say |
| |
express a supposition |
sentuhan cat, rasa, sentuhan |
touch |
| |
the feel of mechanical action |
V2 |
berasa, rasa, terasa, merasa |
feel |
| |
produce a certain impression |
V2 |
menyimpulkan, faham, memaklumi, mafhum, mengarifi, mengerti, mereka-reka, mengarifkan, rasa, menamatkan, mengakhiri, memafhumi, mengartikan, membuat kesimpulan, maklum |
understand, infer |
| |
believe to be the case |
perasaan, rasa, sensasi |
sensation |
| |
a general feeling of excitement and heightened interest |
sentuhan cat, rasa, tanda, kesan, pengemasan |
touch, trace, ghost |
| |
a suggestion of some quality |
perasaan, cita, rasa, merasa |
feeling |
| |
the experiencing of affective and emotional states |
V1, V2 |
cecap, merasakan, rasa, mengenyam, kenyap, kenyam, merasa |
taste |
| |
perceive by the sense of taste |
kepercayaan, tahu, tanggapan, rasa |
feeling, impression, notion, belief, opinion |
| |
a vague idea in which some confidence is placed |
perasaan, rasa |
feeling, intuitive feeling |
| |
an intuitive understanding of something |
V2 |
berantuk, mencorong, roboh, jatuh, mencerlang, merelap, menyontok, menyorot, mencemuk, mencorongkan, menyambar, memukul, berseri, merelap-relap, mencolok mata, menakol, membajau, menggenjot, rasa, berbinar-binar, menggelulur, mencepol, menggetok, menabrak, melebas, menggampar, menoyor, berjatuhan, demik |
fall, strike, shine |
| |
touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly |
V2 |
berasa, merasakan, rasa, mempunyai perasaan, mengawai, merasa |
feel, sense |
| |
perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles |
deria sentuh, rasa, sentuhan |
sense of touch, touch, skin senses, touch modality, cutaneous senses |
| |
the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands) |
V2 |
teragak-agak, rasa, merasa |
feel |
| |
find by testing or cautious exploration |
V2 |
cuba, mencoba, jamah, mencuba, mencicip, mengikhtiarkan, meninjau, menjamah, rasakan, berusaha, coba, sampel, rasa, menjajal, berikhtiar, contoh, cobalah, mengenyam, mencicipi, mencobakan, merasa, menguji |
sample, taste, try, try out |
| |
take a sample of |
V2 |
merasakan, menyedari sepenuhnya, rasa, merasakan akibat sst, merasakan akibat sesuatu, mempunyai perasaan, merasa |
feel |
| |
undergo passive experience of: |
V2 |
mendapatkan, menemukan, merasakan, rasa, mencari, menjumpai, mengawai, merasa |
feel, find |
| |
come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds |
V2, V3 |
berasa, rasa, merasa |
feel |
| |
have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude |
rasa |
taste, taste sensation, gustatory sensation, taste perception, gustatory perception |
| |
the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus |
perasaan, rasa, kesedaran |
sense |
| |
a general conscious awareness |
rasa |
taste, gustation, sense of taste, gustatory modality |
| |
the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth |
perasa, rasa |
flavor, flavour |
| |
[in particle_physics] the six kinds of quarks |
tanggapan, kesannya, hasil, rasa, akibat, kesan |
effect |
| |
an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived) |
| |
an intuitive awareness |
| |
a kind of sensing; distinguishing substances by means of the taste buds |
V2, V3 |
mengingati, fikir, memikirkan, bersangka, mengandaikan, memisalkan, mengira, agaknya, mengira-ngira, memperhitungkan, ingat tentang sst, menyangka, agak, berfikir, mereka-reka, menebak, ingat, membayang-bayangkan, menerka, rasa, memperkirakan, meraba, ingat tentang sesuatu, kira, mengumpamakan, menyana, berangan-angan, membongmeh, menyelami, meneka, menjangkakan, membayangkan, berdangka |
think, guess, suppose, imagine, reckon, opine, daresay |
| |
expect, believe, or suppose |