Results for « pertimbangan » (ind)
05198756-n (1)
pertimbangan, kehendak bebas
free will, discretion
     the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies
04892084-n (1)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, putusan, pengadilan
judgment, judgement, sound judgment, sound judgement, perspicacity
     the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions
pertimbangan, perkiraan
consideration, thoughtfulness
     a considerate and thoughtful act
05945642-n (33)
sentimen, kepercayaan, pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, fikiran, idea, pandangan, aliran, angan, fahaman, pemandangan
opinion, view, sentiment, thought, persuasion
     a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
07138915-n (1)
pertimbangan, perkiraan
     a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting)
00874067-n (11)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, anggaran, penaksiran, nalar, pengadilan
judgment, judgement, assessment
     the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event
05615500-n (2)
kecermatan, pertimbangan, kebijaksanaan
discretion, discreetness, circumspection, prudence
     knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, putusan, pengadilan, kearifan
judgment, judgement, sagacity, sagaciousness, discernment
     the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
05822746-n (15)
kondisi, syarat, pertimbangan, keadaan, suasana, perkara
consideration, circumstance, condition
     information that should be kept in mind when making a decision
01187810-n (4)
keputusan pengadilan, pertimbangan, pengadilan
judgment, judgement, judicial decision
     [in law] the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it
05820170-n (19)
hal, pertimbangan, rasa hormat, penghargaan, perhatian, hubungan, menghormat, berhubungan
respect, regard
     a detail or point
05772356-n (5)
taakulan, pertimbangan, pemikiran, taakulan berdasarkan akal budi
reasoning, logical thinking, abstract thought
     thinking that is coherent and logical
07142365-n (1)
pertimbangan, perbincangan
     discussion of all sides of a question
05837957-n (29)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, fikiran, putusan, pengadilan, pandangan
judgment, mind, judgement
     an opinion formed by judging something
pertimbangan, salam, rasa hormat, menghormat
respect, deference, respectfulness
     courteous regard for people's feelings
06551784-n (3)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, pengadilan
opinion, judgment, judgement, legal opinion
     [in law] the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision
04841358-n (1)
pertimbangan, timbang rasa
consideration, thoughtfulness, considerateness
     kind and considerate regard for others
05784831-n (17)
     the process of giving careful thought to something
06782019-n (8)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, buah fikiran, anggapan, pandangan, pemandangan
view, opinion
     a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof


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