Results for « persimpangan » (ind)
14033185-n (1)
titik-kritis, ketika, persimpangan, saat
crossroads, juncture, critical point
     a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be made
persimpangan, simpang, cabang
meeting, confluence
     [in river] a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers)
03577818-n (5)
persilangan, persimpangan
     a junction of highways on different levels that permits traffic to move from one to another without crossing traffic streams
persimpangan, simpang
junction, adjunction
     an act of joining or adjoining things
05764613-n (1)
persimpangan jalan, persimpangan
     a point where a choice must be made
persilangan, persimpangan
intersection, product, Cartesian product
     the set of elements common to two or more sets
05866653-n (13)
persilangan, persimpangan
intersection, point of intersection, intersection point
     a point where lines intersect
persimpangan, simpang
junction, conjunction
     something that joins or connects
14420954-n (1)
keadaan digabungkan bersama, persimpangan, sambungan, hubungan, gabungan, konjungsi, konjugasi
conjunction, junction, conjugation, colligation
     the state of being joined together
persilangan, persimpangan
     a point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations
00350380-n (2)
persimpangan, penyimpangan, lencongan
diversion, digression, deviation, deflection, deflexion, divagation
     a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)
03581125-n (3)
persilangan, persimpangan jalan, persimpangan, carrefour
intersection, crossroad, crossing, crossway, carrefour
     a junction where one street or road crosses another


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