Results for « peringkat » (zsm)
00306900-n (2)
peringkat, tahap, peringkat perjalanan, pusingan, paras
stage, leg
     a section or portion of a journey or course
05093890-n (94)
gred, peringkat, tingkat, tahap, taraf, darjah
level, degree, grade
     a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality
peringkat, tahap, taraf, lapisan
layer, level, stratum
     an abstract place usually conceived as having depth
13947415-n (3)
peringkat, kedudukan, pangkat, taraf, martabat, darjat
rank, social status, social station, social rank
     position in a social hierarchy
peringkat, kedudukan, tempat
     position on a scale in relation to others in a sport
00658052-v (18)
termuat, peringkat, penilaian, menilai, menempatkan, kedudukan, pemeringkatan, tata, letakkan, taraf, menaruh, harkat, meletakkan
rate, place, grade, rank, order, range
     assign a rank or rating to
14428160-n (27)
peringkat, tingkat, tahap, mutu, tangga, taraf
level, grade, tier, notch
     a relative position or degree of value in a graded group
05131902-n (5)
peringkat, aras, tahap, taraf, paras
     height above ground
03536348-n (1)
tanah rata, peringkat, kawasan rata, aras, tahap, tanah datar, kawasan datar, taraf
level, horizontal surface
     a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line
14429985-n (6)
peringkat, kedudukan, pangkat, darjat
     relative status
03658858-n (1)
peringkat, aras, tahap, taraf, pengaras
level, spirit level
     indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
peringkat, pangkat, tahap, menjulang, taraf, menonjol
     a step on some scale
14429608-n (1)
peringkat, tingkat, tahap, gradasi
step, gradation
     relative position in a graded series
13939892-n (66)
peringkat, pangkat, aras, tahap, taraf, darjah
stage, degree, point, level, length
     a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process
15290337-n (49)
peringkat, tahap, fasa, taraf, paras
stage, phase
     any distinct time period in a sequence of events
tahap yg tinggi, peringkat, tahap yang tinggi, setakat mana, sejauh mana
     the seriousness of something (e.g., a burn or crime)
14429382-n (1)
peringkat, pemeringkatan
     standing or position on a scale


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