Results for « perbezaan » (ind)
04749709-n (7)
penyimpangan, perselisihan, perbezaan
discrepancy, disagreement, variance, divergence
     a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions
07366289-n (20)
selisih, penyimpangan, penyelewengan, pemesongan, perbezaan
difference, departure, deviation, divergence
     a variation that deviates from the standard or norm
04752859-n (6)
jarak, jurang, ruang, perbezaan
spread, gap
     a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures
00194969-n (9)
kelainan, variasi, perbezaan
variation, variance
     an activity that varies from a norm or standard
13855627-n (24)
kontras, pertentangan, perbezaan
contrast, direct contrast
     the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared
04806655-n (4)
tanda jasa, kelainan, perbezaan, tanda penghormatan
     something that discriminates; a distinguishing quality
13859307-n (1)
perbedaan, kelainan, perbezaan
     a significant change
07030012-n (2)
kelainan, variasi, perbezaan
     a repetition of a musical theme in which it is modified or embellished
04748836-n (73)
     the quality of being unlike or dissimilar
06606191-n (5)
kehalusan, nuansa, perbezaan
shade, nuance, subtlety, nicety, refinement
     a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
07337390-n (24)
tingkat perubahan, perubahan turun naik, kelainan, variasi, perbezaan
variation, fluctuation
     an instance of change; the rate or magnitude of change
05711084-n (2)
kontras, pertentangan, perbezaan
     the perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors
04749572-n (3)
tanda jasa, perbezaan, tanda penghormatan
     a distinguishing difference
05840650-n (8)
versi, kelainan, keragaman, varian, variasi, perbezaan
version, variation, variant, edition
     something a little different from others of the same type
05748285-n (16)
tanda jasa, perbezaan, tanda penghormatan, pembezaan
distinction, differentiation
     a discrimination between things as different and distinct
07366627-n (4)
ketidaksamaan, perbezaan
discrepancy, variant, variance
     an event that departs from expectations
00651813-n (10)
perbandingan, kontras, pertentangan, perbezaan
     the act of distinguishing by comparing differences


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