Results for « perasaan » (ind)
05677504-n (37)
perasaan, rasa, kesedaran
     a general conscious awareness
00026192-n (49)
perasaan, cita, rasa, merasa
     the experiencing of affective and emotional states
04848492-n (6)
suara hati, fikiran, perasaan, hati nurani, kesedaran batin
     conformity to one's own sense of right conduct
07520112-n (5)
menggigil, perasaan, gigil, rasa kesejukan, perasaan gementar
thrill, chill, quiver, shudder, shiver, tingle, frisson
     an almost pleasurable sensation of fright
07481951-n (7)
lembut, sentimen, perasaan, romantis, atau emosi
     tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion
05807012-n (1)
erti maksud, perasaan, deria
     a natural appreciation or ability
04628192-n (5)
sifat sangat emosional, perasaan, kehangatan
passion, heat, warmth
     the trait of being intensely emotional
07480068-n (50)
luapan perasaan, keragaman jiwa, emotion, perasaan, emosi
     any strong feeling
04946553-n (1)
perasaan, rasa
feel, tactile property
     a property perceived by touch
pendapat, perasaan
somesthesia, somaesthesia, somatesthesia, somatic sensation
     the perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations
perasaan, rasa
feeling, intuitive feeling
     an intuitive understanding of something
07514782-n (1)
perasaan, rasa, sensasi
     a general feeling of excitement and heightened interest
14526182-n (63)
nada, suasana, perasaan, lawatan, semangat, aroma
spirit, feeling, tone, flavor, feel, smell, look, flavour, atmosphere
     the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
07512848-n (2)
kehalusan perasaan, ketajaman, perasaan, kepekaan
     refined sensitivity to pleasurable or painful impressions
07544647-n (9)
kasih, penyakit, kasih sayang, kegemaran, perasaan, suka akan, afeksi, sayang, kesukaan
affection, heart, affectionateness, fondness, tenderness, warmness, warmheartedness, philia
     a positive feeling of liking
06880249-n (22)
ungkapan, perasaan, penyataan
expression, reflection, manifestation, reflexion
     expression without words
07512465-n (3)
sensitiviti, perasaan, daya kepekaan, kepekaan perasaan emosional, kepekaan
sensitivity, sensitiveness
     sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)
07480896-n (4)
passion, passionateness
     a strong feeling or emotion


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