Results for « penyataan » (ind)
07203126-n (1)
penegasan, pernyataan rasmi, kalimat, pengesahan, pendakwaan, pengakuan, tuntutan, penuntutan, penyataan, pernyataan
assertion, affirmation, statement
     the act of affirming or asserting or stating something
06880249-n (22)
ungkapan, perasaan, penyataan
expression, reflection, manifestation, reflexion
     expression without words
07069948-n (5)
ungkapan, pengucapan, penyataan
expression, formulation
     the style of expressing yourself
06722453-n (58)
pernyataan rasmi, kenyataan, penyataan
     a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc


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