Results for « penurunan » (zsm)
13457378-n (5)
kemerosotan, kemunduran, penurunan
decline, diminution
     change toward something smaller or lower
13470491-n (1)
penyusutan, rosot, surut air, keruntuhan, semakin berkurang, penurunan
ebbing, ebb, wane
     a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)
07427728-n (1)
kekalahan, kejatuhan, penurunan
fall, downfall
     a sudden decline in strength or number or importance
keredaan, menitik, kemelesetan, kejatuhan, penurunan
     the act of dropping something
05111835-n (1)
jatuh, keredaan, menitik, celup, kemelesetan, kejatuhan, penurunan
drop, fall, dip, free fall
     a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
02393086-v (7)
pindahan, memindahkan, menukarkan, pemindahan, mengoperkan, lencong, penurunan, pindah/gerak
transfer, reassign
     transfer somebody to a different position or location of work
13547677-n (4)
reduksi, pengurangan, penurunan
reduction, reducing
     any process in which electrons are added to an atom or ion (as by removing oxygen or adding hydrogen); always occurs accompanied by oxidation of the reducing agent
07363346-n (2)
kejatuhan, penurunan
     a movement downward
09265620-n (3)
kecerunan, kelandaian, kemerosotan, keturunan, penurunan
fall, declivity, descent, declination, declension, decline, downslope
     a downward slope or bend
potongan, pemotongan, penyusutan, pengurangan, penurunan
     the act of reducing the amount or number
penurunan, luruh
fall, drop
     a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity
07370270-n (1)
kelandaian, kejatuhan, penurunan
     a movement to a lower level
00351638-n (16)
cengkelong, potongan, pengecilan, pemotongan, rosotan, reduksi, penyusutan, pengurangan, cengkolong, susutan, kesusutan, usak, penurunan
reduction, decrease, diminution, step-down
     the act of decreasing or reducing something
00326440-n (1)
turun, penurunan
     the act of changing your location in a downward direction
07355887-n (10)
kurangi, kurangkan, kejatuhan, kesusutan, penurunan
decrease, lessening, drop-off
     a change downward


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