Results for « penilaian » (zsm)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, putusan, pengadilan, kearifan
judgment, judgement, sagacity, sagaciousness, discernment
     the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
06782019-n (8)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, buah fikiran, anggapan, pandangan, pemandangan
view, opinion
     a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof
05736149-n (12)
penilaian, pemeringkatan
rating, evaluation, valuation
     an appraisal of the value of something
05837957-n (29)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, fikiran, putusan, pengadilan, pandangan
judgment, mind, judgement
     an opinion formed by judging something
05789432-n (3)
keputusan, penilaian
judgment, judgement, judging
     the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions
05945642-n (33)
sentimen, kepercayaan, pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, fikiran, idea, pandangan, aliran, angan, fahaman, pemandangan
opinion, view, sentiment, thought, persuasion
     a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
05733583-n (5)
pendapat, penilaian
assessment, appraisal
     the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth
04892084-n (1)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, putusan, pengadilan
judgment, judgement, sound judgment, sound judgement, perspicacity
     the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions
06551784-n (3)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, pengadilan
opinion, judgment, judgement, legal opinion
     [in law] the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision
00658052-v (18)
termuat, peringkat, penilaian, menilai, menempatkan, kedudukan, pemeringkatan, tata, letakkan, taraf, menaruh, harkat, meletakkan
rate, place, grade, rank, order, range
     assign a rank or rating to
00874067-n (11)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, anggaran, penaksiran, nalar, pengadilan
judgment, judgement, assessment
     the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event
00875246-n (5)
penganggaran, pendapat, penilaian, anggaran, taksiran, penentuan, taksir, anggapan, pandangan, perkiraan
estimate, estimation
     a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody


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