Results for « pengertian » (zsm)
05623628-n (1)
lingkungan, jangkauan, pengetahuan, kemampuan, pemahaman, tiba, pengertian
reach, grasp, compass, range
     the limit of capability
05805475-n (41)
faham, tanggapan, keterampilan, kefahaman, kesefahaman, bertimbang rasa, pemahaman, akal, fahaman, pengertian
understanding, apprehension, discernment, savvy
     the cognitive condition of someone who understands
05651680-n (5)
sifat bertimbang rasa, kecerdasan, sebab, kecerdikan, keterampilan, kefahaman, ketajaman otak, nalar, pemahaman, alasan, kebolehan menaakul, pengertian
reason, intellect, understanding
     the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination
07513247-n (3)
pemahaman, pengertian
insight, perceptiveness, perceptivity
     a feeling of understanding
05836598-n (14)
pendapat, idea, pengertian
     a general inclusive concept
05807306-n (3)
pemahaman, pengertian
insight, brainstorm, brainwave
     the clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation


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