Results for « pemasangan » (zsm)
01229938-n (4)
perkumpulan, pertemuan, perhimpunan, pemasangan, pengumpulan
gathering, assemblage, assembly
     the social act of assembling
00912001-n (3)
penggabungan, pemasangan, himpunan
assembly, fabrication
     the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery)
04613158-n (2)
pemasangan, penggandingan
coupling, yoke
     a connection (like a clamp or vise) between two things so they move together
palang, penyelak, cangkuk, pengikat, pemasangan, kancing, pengikatan, selak, penyepit
fastening, fixing, fastener, holdfast
     restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
penggantungan, lampiran, penyambungan, pemasangan, pencantuman, pengikatan, penampalan
attachment, affixation
     the act of attaching or affixing something
01014066-n (1)
pengambilan, penggabungan, pemasangan, kutipan, pemungutan, pungutan
collection, collecting, assembling, aggregation
     the act of gathering something together
00240938-n (4)
bayaran ansur, pemasangan
installation, installing, installment, instalment
     the act of installing something (as equipment)
penyambungan, pemasangan, berputar, terjalin
     fasten with a joint
02749790-n (3)
penyusunan, penggabungan, pemasangan, penyuntingan gambar
     a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit
penggantungan, penyambungan, pemasangan, pencantuman, ikatan kasih, persahabatan, pengikatan, penampalan
fastening, attachment
     the act of fastening things together
03354613-n (1)
pemasangan, lekapan
     an object firmly fixed in place (especially in a household)


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