Results for « pelaksanaan » (zsm)
01127379-n (2)
pelaksanaan, pelaksanaan hukuman mati, penjalanan, implementasi, penggarapan
implementation, execution, carrying out
     the act of accomplishing some aim or executing some order
00577068-n (17)
pelaksanaan, perjalanan, kerjanya, kendalian, tatacara, operasi, prosedur
procedure, operation
     a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work
00035189-n (46)
pelaksanaan, pencapaian, kejayaan, prestasi, penyelesaian
achievement, accomplishment
     the action of accomplishing something
00044150-n (1)
pelaksanaan, penyempurnaan
implementation, effectuation
     the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect
00907919-n (1)
pelaksanaan, seni wayang, seni perfileman
filming, cinematography, motion-picture photography
     the act of making a film
pelaksanaan, pelaksanaan hukuman mati, eksekusi, penjalanan, penggarapan
execution, instruction execution
     [in computer_science] the process of carrying out an instruction by a computer
00062451-n (2)
pelaksanaan, penyempurnaan, penggarapan
fulfillment, fulfilment
     the act of consummating something (a desire or promise etc)
01163779-n (5)
pelaksanaan, pelaksanaan hukuman mati, pembunuhan, eksekusi, hukuman mati
execution, capital punishment, executing, death penalty
     putting a condemned person to death
pelaksanaan, pelaksanaan hukuman mati, penjalanan, penggarapan
execution, execution of instrument
     [in law] the completion of a legal instrument (such as a contract or deed) by signing it (and perhaps sealing and delivering it) so that it becomes legally binding and enforceable


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