Results for « pazzo » (ita)
00086341-a (10)
delirante, pazzo, frenetico, fuori di sé
frantic, frenetic, phrenetic, frenzied
     excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion
02074092-a (11)
insano, alienato, delirante, demenziale, folle, pazzo, forsennato
     afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement
02075321-a (21)
dissennato, folle, pazzo, matto, demente, mentecatto
mad, crazy, sick, unbalanced, disturbed, brainsick, demented, unhinged
     affected with madness or insanity
buggy, balmy, dotty, haywire, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, cracked, crackers, daft, fruity, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, around the bend, wacky, whacky
     informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
02572038-a (1)
insano, irragionevole, dissennato, folle, pazzo, matto, pazzesco, insensato
insane, mad, harebrained
     very foolish
09991530-n (1)
alienato, temerario, rompicollo, demente, testa calda, folle, pazzo, spericolato, matto, scavezzacollo, scalmanato, esagitato
swashbuckler, daredevil, madcap, hothead, lunatic, harum-scarum
     a reckless impetuous irresponsible person
10276764-n (7)
alienato, maniaco, demente, anormale, squilibrato, folle, pazzo, forsennato, matto, mentecatto, squinternato
maniac, madman, lunatic
     an insane person


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