Results for « payah » (zsm)
sarit, sukar, susah, runyam, payah, rumit, sulit, senting, berat
unmanageable, difficult
     hard to control
sukar, susah, payah, sulit
     difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill
00748058-a (5)
begitu susah, payah, susah payah, begitu sukar
tough, rugged
     very difficult; severely testing stamina or resolution
00746451-a (2)
sukar, susah, payah, rumit, sulit
knotty, baffling, elusive, tough, problematic, problematical
     making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe
begitu susah, payah, begitu sukar
tough, hard
     unfortunate or hard to bear
02323726-a (1)
sukar, susah, payah, keras, sengit, kencang, berat
     strong, vigorous
00836544-a (4)
sukar, susah, memerihkan, jerih, payah, menjerihkan, kuat, banyak memerlukan tenaga, perih, menyeksakan, berjerih
hard, arduous, heavy, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome
     characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
00744916-a (100)
sarit, sukar, susah, runyam, payah, kerih, rumit, ruwet, kompleks, tidak senang, tidak mudah, sulit, senting, berat, tersulit
difficult, hard
     not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure


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