Results for « patto » (ita)
08293982-n (3)
lega, coalizione, alleanza, patto, consociazione, unione, schieramento
alignment, coalition, alliance, alinement
     an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty
07148192-n (3)
dialogo, deal, negoziazione, contrattazione, negoziato, patto, trattativa, conferenze, mercanteggiamento
negotiation, talks, dialogue
     a discussion intended to produce an agreement
06771159-n (5)
mercanzia, patto
bargain, deal
     an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each
06770275-n (11)
intesa, adesione, concordato, convenzione, accomodamento, patto, compromesso, accordo, conciliazione
agreement, understanding
     the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises
13928668-n (8)
rapporto, relazione, connubio, coalizione, alleanza, patto, unione, sodalizio
     state che coinvolge persone o paesi
06773434-n (4)
concordato, convenzione, trattato, patto
treaty, pact, accord
     a written agreement between two states or sovereigns


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