Results for « panduan » (zsm)
06423619-n (1)
daftar, panduan, direktori
     an alphabetical list of names and addresses
panduan, direktori
     [in computer_science] a listing of the files stored in memory (usually on a hard disk)
05901508-n (33)
polisi, panduan, amalan, dasar
     a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group
05848541-n (1)
arahan, panduan
guidepost, guideline, rule of thumb
     a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior
06650701-n (17)
pimpinan, nasihat, hidayah, panduan, saranan
guidance, direction, counseling, counsel, counselling
     something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action
00815320-n (2)
tugas mengetuai, arah, hala, panduan, tugas mengarahkan, haluan
guidance, direction, steering
     the act of setting and holding a course
01144876-n (4)
guidance, steering
     the act of guiding or showing the way


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