Results for « netto » (ita)
01582461-a (6)
net, nett
     remaining after all deductions
13258362-n (16)
lucro, profitto, ricavato, provento, netto, ricavo, utile, rendimento, frutto, reddito netto, utile netto, guadagno
profit, profits, earnings, net, net income, net profit, lucre
     la differenza tra il ricavato e le uscite
00418364-a (5)
pulitissimo, lindo, pulito come uno specchio, netto
spotless, immaculate, spic, speckless, spick-and-span, spic-and-span, spick
     completely neat and clean
00547641-a (1)
nitido, netto, preciso, laconico
terse, crisp, curt, laconic
     brief and to the point; effectively cut short
01914108-a (2)
netto, pulito
clean, clear
     free of restrictions or qualifications


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