Results for « nalar » (ind)
00744506-a (1)
sama, nalar, uniform, seragam, pakaian seragam, serupa, malar, tetap
undifferentiated, uniform
     not differentiated
00874067-n (11)
pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, anggaran, penaksiran, nalar, pengadilan
judgment, judgement, assessment
     the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event
05651680-n (5)
kecerdasan, sebab, kecerdikan, keterampilan, kefahaman, ketajaman otak, nalar, alasan, pemahaman, pengertian
reason, intellect, understanding
     the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination
02296632-a (5)
     conforming to a standard or pattern


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