Results for « menyeksakan » (zsm)
01711071-a (10)
yang menyakitkan, lara, rodan, menyengsarakan, lidas, sakit, menyakitkan, perih, perit, pedih, yg menyakitkan, menyeksakan, menyeksa, nyeri
     causing physical or psychological pain
01263013-a (14)
bengis, menyayat hati, kejam, buas, azab, teruk, dahsyat, sikap kejam, menyeksakan, zalim
savage, vicious, cruel, brutal, barbarous, roughshod, fell
     (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
01792567-v (4)
menyebabkan seksa, melukai, sakit, menyakitkan, menyeksakan, melukai hati, menyebabkan sengsara, menyakiti
hurt, pain, anguish
     cause emotional anguish or make miserable
00836544-a (4)
sukar, susah, memerihkan, jerih, payah, menjerihkan, kuat, banyak memerlukan tenaga, perih, menyeksakan, berjerih
hard, arduous, heavy, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome
     characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort


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