Results for « menjolok mata » (zsm)
01794771-a (1)
melaram, menunjuk-nunjuk, menjolok mata, ranggi, suka menunjuk-nunjuk
florid, aureate, flamboyant
     elaborately or excessively ornamented
01626562-a (4)
menakutkan, menjolok mata, keji, mengejutkan, aneh, dahsyat, terkutuk
hideous, outrageous, horrific, horrid
     grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror
01848701-a (1)
menunjuk-nunjuk, menjolok mata, suka menunjuk-nunjuk
showy, splashy, flamboyant, glitzy
     marked by ostentation but often tasteless
00407420-a (2)
bergaya, menunjuk-nunjuk, menjolok mata, garang, ada gaya, suka menunjuk-nunjuk
flashy, gaudy, sporty, showy, jazzy
     (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display
02393791-a (5)
menjolok mata, murah, garang, kodi
flashy, gaudy, cheap, loud, tawdry, brassy, meretricious, flash, garish, gimcrack, tacky, tatty, trashy
     tastelessly showy
menunjuk-nunjuk, menjolok mata, suka menunjuk-nunjuk
     displaying brilliance and virtuosity
01950198-a (3)
kasar, menjolok mata
vulgar, coarse, common, rough-cut, uncouth
     lacking refinement or cultivation or taste


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