Results for « membohongi » (ind)
01466978-v (8)
mengenai, berhampiran, bersebelahan, memisahkan, menanduk, menyentuh, pinggir, berdekatan, membatasi, membohongi
adjoin, butt, butt against, edge, border, abut, march, butt on
     lie adjacent to another or share a boundary
01195804-v (1)
memperbudikan, menghabiskan, memperdayakan, membazirkan, memboroskan, menghamburkan, meresap, bermain-main, memperdaya, menembak, membohongi
dissipate, shoot, fool, fritter, frivol away, fritter away, fool away
     spend frivolously and unwisely
00834259-v (9)
V1, V2
bohong, berdusta, tipu, membohongi, berbohong
     tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive
00851100-v (7)
memperolok-olok, mengolok-olok, mempermainkan, bergurau, membohongi
kid, pull the leg of
     tell false information to for fun
V1, V2
menipu, menggertak, membohongi
bluff, bluff out
     [in card_game] deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand
00854150-v (2)
memperbudikan, memperdayakan, bermalas-malas, bermain-main, memperdaya, bergurau, membohongi
fool around, horse around, arse around, fool
     indulge in horseplay
02576349-v (7)
memperbudikan, memperdayakan, menipu, mengabui mata, memperdaya, tertipu, membohongi
fool, gull, befool, sucker
     make a fool or dupe of
00854904-v (4)
memperbudikan, memperdayakan, menipu, menyelenggarakan, mencerna, menampung, memperdaya, mencernakan, tertipu, membohongi
take in, gull, dupe, put on, slang, cod, fool, befool, put one over, put one across
     fool or hoax
00855295-v (4)
berlawak-lawak, melawak-lawak, memperolok-olokkan, mengusik, memperolok-olok, mengolok-olok, melawak, bermain-main, berolok-olok, bergurau, bersenda gurau, berkelakar, membohongi
kid, chaff, banter, jolly, josh
     be silly or tease one another


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