Results for « matang » (zsm)
01493173-a (6)
ranum, matang, masak
ripe, mature
     fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used
01491775-a (4)
matang, sempurna akal, masak, dewasa
     characteristic of maturity
00250181-v (13)
menyebabkan matang, matang, mematangkan, menjadikan matang, membesar
grow, mature, maturate
     develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation
00936297-a (2)
matang, tua, bekas, orang perempuan tua, lama, uzur, lanjut umur
old, older
     skilled through long experience
14424780-n (11)
kematangan, berkembang sepenuhnya, matang, kedewasaan, pendewasaan
maturity, matureness
     state of being mature; full development
00249852-v (1)
ranum, matang, mematangkan, membuat masak, masak, meranumkan
     grow ripe
matang, masak
     having been prepared for eating by the application of heat
01321456-n (5)
matang, baligh, cukup besar, dewasa
     any mature animal
09605289-n (9)
matang, orang dewasa, dewasa
adult, grownup
     a fully developed person from maturity onward
01488616-a (5)
matang, besar, cukup besar, dewasa
full-grown, grown, adult, big, fully grown, grownup
     [in animal] (of animals) fully developed
15153225-n (8)
due date, maturity, maturity date
     the date on which an obligation must be repaid
15152817-n (17)
kematangan, masa dewasa, matang, kedewasaan
maturity, adulthood
     the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed


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